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A space by me, for me, to express and journal on life
Creating an (unrestricted and undefined) space to freely and authentically express myself and journal on what I feel I want to on life
An open and flexible life experience
“Record life, Life record”





Conversations with myself, some records of life, contemplating from the observations/engagements of life 🩵




Will meet if are destined to
Will resonate at the same frequency if on the same wavelength




Wonderful encounters and connections 🩷



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Posted contents on this blog site are original, cited sources will be acknowledged/referenced

No reproduction without permission

For sharing of thoughts on blog contents, please refer to the “Comments” section at the end of each post

For any other things to share with me, enquires on collaboration invites and article reproduction, please visit the “Contacts” page, fill out your contact details and message

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